Did you understand what cliched books meant when they said "her eyes wide, she opened her mouth to say something, and then closed it shut." Well,I would not want to say that it happened to me...but Hey .. everybody somehow went through that period right.
Don't understand? Have you ever been in the position where you were just about to fire off a snappy retort to someone who super annoyed you with her assumptious comment.She asked you to do something and while you were going to do it, even though you weren't that keen on it but because she wanted you to and you wanted to make things easier for her. And suddenly she said, "Waa, only doing that bit ahh!" (to that effect).Instantly the Flame of the Wrongly Accused flared up in you and you wanted to say in a very irritated tone, "I'm going to do this first."
And as you were about to do it, something stopped you before you could get the words out. You know how, when you think, you don't think in words but rather are led by emotions or senses? Well, some sense in you reminded you that you had to be patient. And thus you kept quiet.
Anyway, what I want to say today is that being a Christian is being a doormat! Not fighting back, not defending yourself, not demanding your rights! You get stepped on, taken for granted, overlooked, unappreciated by everybody because you won't stand up for yourself! You see? YOU SEE?! And the God you serve was the biggest doormat of all! The only difference is, his doormat was vertical and in the shape of a cross!
In my opinion, Jesus' instructions to us, his followers, do sound like "be a doormat". Things such as:
1. If a man slaps you on one cheek, turn the other cheek to him too.
2. Be quiet when people speak to you in anger.
3. Pray for those who persecute you.
4. Do not seek vengeance or revenge.
5. Love those who hate you.
And so on. His whole life was a testimony to serving others and not himself: washing his disciples' feet, preaching to the crowds although he was exhausted and hungry.
But I think of it this way...if my being a doormat for Christ can help to usher someone into the House of God, get someone interested in Him...then, I am willing to be one.
Another thought that I had was, (and this thought didn't feel like it came from me) before we can soar like eagles, our wings have to be strengthened first. Sometimes I'm so eager to fly off and explore my fullest potential that I forget that I need to grow stronger and firmer in my foundations first.
I think this is the period when God is putting many challenges in my life to build up the character I need to stay strong in Him and I thanked God for the support of the groups of friends that I've had near me all my life.
Alright, sleep is calling my name and I must not keep it waiting. Farewell dear readers! Phew.. it has been a long time since I really sit down and think what I to blog.. ^_^